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12 Sqm Bedroom Design

12 Sqm Bedroom Design

The food is planned for 12 meter bedrooms є to be kept up-to-date, some of the bedrooms of such rooms are of such size є in booths it is practically of a kind - panel and ceremonies, old people and new buildings. Proponymo you get to know about different options stylish bedroom design 12 sq. m., for which you can learn about ideas and techniques during the launch of the Vlasny project in 2016.

If you can help, you shouldn't be guilty of bringing your little kitchen with superfluous shafs. To replace all of them on the basis of the police, as they see themselves visually easier. Surround your colors with basic visuals, while the bedroom in the background will increase the palette for a clean look and maximum brightness.

Dzherelo: Clem is near kuta. As long as your kitchen has been designed around the entrance to your booth, think about the lavas in front of the open sky, as it can also be used as a distributor in the entrance and in the kitchen. Attached to the mirror and the transparency of the base will provide the illusion of a larger space.

Bedroom 2016. Photo

Beautiful bedroom layout 12 sq. m., broken up by professionals

Competently designed bedroom plan 12 sq. m. allow opening I will calm down the room, Optimize the harmonization of sleep zones, robotics and speech acquisition. There are 5 options for single bedrooms with a square area of ​​12 sq.m., which include the main elements of the traditional bedroom:

In the vbudovanomu erkeri є a quiet turn for recovery. Vikoristovyte sclyanny dilnik with a black frame, then open the bedroom from the home office. The wik's room is easier and for those who see it as a day-to-day dependency, which also helps to improve the working style of the day.

Zruchny kutok for nosіnnya vzuttya vbudovaniya vzuttєvi shafi for essence. Go for big ones, without manual facades of the shafi, as you put in front of you a more pure, more everyday look. As long as you have little time, replace your coffee table with a stack of stools, as you can clean it up if you don't know the stench. The stench is visually beautiful, being in the function of being in a state of the art, if you have є guests.

  1. Two-bedroom lіzhko... The range of the width of the bed should be 160 - 250 cm. For a small room, it is more beautiful than all the zupiniti vibers on bedroom furniture with a mattress size up to 180 cm.
  2. Shafa for odyagu... When you are outside the wardrobe room, the wine is necessary for the selection of postal accessories, clothes and other speeches.
  3. tumbi... You can vikoristovuvati in the quality of supplies for books, gadgets, put cosmetics on them, put your mobile phone at the bottom.
  4. Dresser... Yogo manually vikoristovuvati pid Spіdnya bilizna and other items in the toilet.
  5. televizor(Display) - when bazhannі
  6. dressing table- with bazhanna.

Proposed methods of decorating, adapting to the interior of a square bedroom with an area of ​​12 sq. m. with small proportions, such a rank, you will be able to be victorious as a basis for a powerful project, as well as bazhannya. The armchair and the photo will fill the mind with the idea of ​​the designer, we will not be able to describe the leathers from them. Only perevagi and shortcomings are discernible and I emphasize the most important nuances.

Textile and decor

A rotten console table is a useful tool for investment, if you need more space for saving and visualization, or if you don't want to take a square meter. Panels - tse effective way Establish the illusion of the open kitchen, how to take revenge on the bets in the cooking zone. In addition, the daylight can now easily slip into the kitchen, so you don't need to go into the installation of a great number of lights.

Create a virtual reality, as I ask you to talk, and your mission will be one on one. Play with a little style for more agility and non-interference, a relaxed atmosphere. The whole space of the open plan is one in one and the other in the same area. Vikoristannya wood furniture in both zones and an extra light, hanging between two areas, will help you to get offended at once.

Bedroom plan 1

Perevagi: symmetry of the rosetting of objects.

Inadequacies: the shafa is not as small as a small one, it is not a mess, there is no space for a TV set, a chest of drawers or a curbstone, a walk through the wall with a monoblock and a walk in the house.

Small bedroom, color scheme

For the differentiation of zones, vikorisovyvayasya facing stin. The art of the world is in the style of the gallery, and in the world there is a knikkova police without essence. Can't you donate a room for a wardrobe? Replace the dark of your bedroom for your shafi. Let your lіzhko also serve as a mirror for more daughters from your side.

Decorating a bedroom in a fallow-room type of a booth

"Floating" shafi i letter style in the central room, they create an illusion of space, at that hour, as a column of open shelves, there will be more easy access to books. Reduction of natural wood accents with a modern bilym, adding a silky and home element to a clean space.

Accent. Quiet, you can flatten the TV set to the wall, you can squeeze the shafi into the bedroom entrance, you can smooth out the injuries with small rounded edges, or with the shelves with the zig-zoned corrugated edges, the space between the shafi and the curbstone, the stool must be repaired.

Planning bedrooms 2

Now the axis of the bath is a room, you can show it to your guests. Gold fittings, marmura lined tiles and rimless mirrors wick simple elegance. Establish a frameless insight into the soul's screen, which demonstrates your sanitary virobi in the world of glory, reaching a seamless view. Bonus: try to add more help to your little bathtub for more and more room.

Tsia golovna bedroom bere sviy design solution from the Japanese Shoji screens, save your bedroom an even quiet and private area. The structure, built into the aesthetics of the foxes, the natural Mudzhi, is a functional platform, a book and a book. After you've finished your layout, you just have to donate one bedroom.

Perevagi: symmetry, the presence of the chief, having changed the function of the curbstone to the police, was placed behind the lid, allowing the maximum optimization of the space.

Incomplete: as you can judge by the photo design of the modern square bedroom of 12 sq. m., with such a plan, there is a backward visual imbalance through those, which all furniture has been removed from the same style.

What if you can get around with conventions? Revert the promoted region until the last day in a quiet virtual space and change the home office, which is the reason for this. Create a quiet little corner at your office, vikoristovuchi trees of smog in pink tones. Let the stench go to the stele, screw your respect up to the top, opening the illusion of the big stele. This function can also be used as a match for those who are young and old.

Take a quiet little corner for a snack in the kitchen with a built-in bench. pick up pіdvіsniy svіtilnik to secure the space, differentiate from one region to another, deduce everything to prepare. Save a small bathroom simply and without problems with the basic shapes and sizes. Victory hexagonal tiles to replace the metro.

Accents: harmony of space is possible behind the addition of a cheery decoration of the bedside wall: dark colori farb, more beautiful than furniture light tones, that is, you will see the mensh loudly.

Planning bedrooms 3

The whole kitchen passage is also a window into the kitchen and the bedside table for food and drink. There is an open space for cooking, allowing light and ventilation to pass. The main square white tiles will provide for the hour-long kitchens, ala, they will not be overlooked by the institute, they will cover the green space with warm details, such as a brown skin or wood surfaces.

Grunge style in the interior sleeping room

Tricky to know, yak viglyadaє your at once? You can try to know your place in the world. Vidmova vidvidalnosty: all vimiruvannya є deprived of estimates and may be inaccurate vimirs. You can decorate a room with an area of ​​12 square meters, What if you got a ball with a hand and a grip? Professional designers seem to be able to work as well.

Perevagi: the appearance of the local shafi, visibly displaced in the present, the proportion of elements in the design of stylish bedrooms of 12 sq. m.

Incomplete: the chest of drawers is installed symmetrically to the lid.

Accents: it will be actual to put on the shafu rose doors. The bedroom looked more spacious, choose furniture of small dimensions.

Obviously, the robot over the achievements of your attention in the whole range can be completed with a foldable і, also, in the form of great investments, including modern and creative investments. Protest, if you report to us, you become too patient, and you can covet unaffected results.

Yak vi, melodiously, rosumite, the small room is to blame for all the necessary objects, which are necessary for the baggage for comfortable living, but here it is not necessary to make up. So, whoever wants to grow by 12 square meters, blame everything to grow, how much more spaciousness is there. Speaking of my current designers, you need to visually expand your room.

Planning bedrooms 4

Perevagi: symmetry; a lot of fun for making speeches.

Shortcomings: folding, heap of construction.

Emphasis: it is necessary to competently think over the ways of distributing furniture to fit all parameters, to reach the maximum harmony and ease of composition.

Vibrating furniture for a room with an area of ​​12 square meters, in a size that is characterized by modest sizes. In addition, it is also necessary to respect important details, which are both functional, as efficiently as possible, occupying the minimum area, so that you need to leave a lot of space.

Vvazhayut style blue coloriє most suitable for small rooms. The accessories can be smart and addictive, and even more economical, so look quietly, hto be in the room, do not get tired. The furniture is well inscribed in the interior of the room with an area of ​​12 square meters, and it has been retouched to the extent that it is attached to it. Zalishayuchi actions in the middle of the stays bezkoshtovno, you can achieve the effect of lightness and spaciousness. For a small room, the price is even more important.

Planning bedrooms 5

Perevagi: enough space for speeches, easy, installed just right, look even more stylish.

Inadequacies: the deyak "skutist" open space on the left side of the lid.

Emphasis: so how to play I mean a role in the decoration, to give respect to the decor - to look for designer radios and modern textiles, tell me about those that the curtains will be brilliant and the dream has not borne you in your eyes.

Small bedroom decoration

Elegant and practical furniture for additional assistance to the uniqueness of the heavy objects. In a small room, the police see it wonderfully, allowing you to manually capture and display the impossibility of other objects. University shelves on the walls and a console on the wall allow you to rationally pick up leather inches of expensive dilyanka.

Visually expanded to a space of 12 square meters, allowing for special design methods, such as. It is recommended to go to bed in such a room in a boulevard, and to make a step in a light of the day. The mirror, fastened to the wall, can help the room to grow visually lighter, which can be expanded. Successful solutions for small rooms є vikoristannya p_dogogo pokrittya, Such as laminate or parquet, layouts on diagonal. Dodatkovі objects in such rooms slіd vikoristovuvati economically. Decorative elements are also guilty but not rich. A beautiful image in the frame of setting up special moods, at that hour like a lot of small photographs on the wall, just be entertaining. It is not recommended to vikoristovuvati textiles with great v_zerunki in a small room, since it is a small size of a room. It is more beautiful than vikoristovuvati lightweight fabrics for curtains, so how can you add lightness to the spaciousness of such a room. Comfort in a small room lies in the illumination. The great lamps are here contraindicated. Substitute more beautifully vikoristovuvati vbudovaniya, along the perimeter of bed linens. To replace a huge chandelier, you can choose an elegant pedlogue lamp or small sconces.

  • Entry into the room is guilty of being bezkoshtovny.
  • Do not allow us to spry out space yak more vidkrite.

Correctly plan the space of the room, pick only light colors for embellishment and choose elegant furniture and add-on accessories - small room, Designed in accordance with these rules, mindlessly, being even more handy and adorable for the eyes.

Ideal in all business options to fit the design neatly, although there is a need for economy, it's very important to think about it. Residual decision to lay up all of your special passages and needs.

Contemporary bedroom design 12 sq. m. Podnannya black and zhovtoy kolorіv in the inter'erі bedroom

Design studio ART-UGOL

Designer Inter'eriv Hristina Tavares Bula, inspired by the film by the sun of Tuscany, will create a romantic backrest. The idea of ​​dependence has already appeared in the hotel near Florence, Italy. Blinds fastened on a Swiss rail in a sunken stele.

38-mm suite, created by the architect Dyogo Revollo, having filled up a modern class, which is a special kind of inhabitants. "We thought about wood planks for the wall behind the back, ale, splinters, the price would be dear, we vibrated the tapestries from the same texture, yak pratsyu ". In the іnshіy part of the room, there were trellises for the іmіtatsіy lion, framing the footer of the same color. The old heads, the yaka reached the stele, the bullet was changed to a height of 1.45 m and the camel was mounted in tune with the Estonado camel. Servants, 1 m wide, added a shiny varnish.

In the photo of the performances of the tsikaviy zrazok modern interior bedroom 12 sq. metіv in chorno-zhovtіy gamі, fashionable in 2016 rotsі. Yaskravі farbi zhovtogo harmoniously vrіvnovozhu black color, as a result, go even more stylishly and unrivaled decision... Such decoration will be relevant for a bedroom, roztashovanoi from the western side, or to make it light and warm.

The doors of Chesterfield, pushed back from the family bet, zupinilasya bilya pidnizhzhya lizka. The big quiet base, with green and blue cute, allowed the designer of inter'eriv Neze Cesar to get used to the postal prints. Oksamitova backrest of the backrest in contrast with pillows and carpet. Beastly respect, for all the designs, I want them, they are kvitkovy.

In the bedroom of the apartment, the architect Gabriela Marquez is alive with her head, the back is covered with fabric covered with fabric, adorned with a cinemama, covered with a tapestry by Crecildo Ferreira. On the bedside table, brought from the old booth, lamps, Marylia Kalareso.

A bedroom of 12 sq. m with a laminate on the wall. Photo

Television and shafa roztashovani in nisha stin. This arrangement of elements allows you to maximally spare the space. Bіlі stіni і stele drink visual improvement room. Shchilny textiles of the light vidtinku nicely fit into the interior painting of the interior. Win to serve as a captor from the penetration of sleepy exchanges of vrance.

A mirror with a high-school curbstone for the collection of speeches to display decorative and practical functions in one hour. As well as svitniks, services in a laconic embellishment of the view and at the same hour will not be able to read the message over the ski slope. How to appear even before the speech, if you, for example, want to read it.

In the bedroom it is quiet ale, the functionality of the bedroom is surrounded by a deprivation of the possibility of repairs, there is not a lot of work to be transferred to any additional zones.

Garniy bedroom design 12 sq. m. in colonial style. photo project

Archiviser Design Studio

The interior of the square bedrooms of the viconias in the colonial style, having combined in their own motives of Bagatio cultures. The project appeared in the tenths of the year 2016 rock. Quiet, stylish, practical. light wood furniture, Subjects such as vikoristani in the smallest size, ennobled and refreshed primitiveness. Walls of decor with black-and-white paintings to match the view.

Modern bedroom design 12 sq. meter Photo

A great monitor to add a touch of progressiveness. The great Krishtalev chandelier is wonderfully harmonious with wide baguettes, decorated with a relief malunky. Monochromatic beige textiles from natural fabrics a birthmark of eccentricity beautiful design bedrooms 12 sq. m

Bedroom design 12 sq. m. in a panel booth. photo project

Design studio Arch-buro

The layout of apartments in the old panel booths is often surrounded by a choice of decoration style. However, it is possible to know the decision. The bedroom in the photo is elegant and simple at the same hour. Cocoa color and green curtains can be added one to one.

Such a bedroom design is 12 sq. m in panel booth as soon as possible for a young wager. Vilny space is covered with the maximum practicality, in a decorated vicorian, spokyyny natural vidtinki. Vitriman is one color line, furniture vikoristovuyutsya at the minimum. any Yaskravikh accents, Nichogo cardinal, panuyut spokіy and nevorushnіst. Typical modern minimalism.

In the photo, the design of the bedroom is 12 sq. m. in the panel booth you can bachiti, as the furniture is neatly and correctly arranged. On the wall, the prototype lid, did not become a TV show. The replacement of the TV viewer was made by the original present svitnik.

We also installed another version of the barn for this interior bedroom 12 sq. m. Tsei option to the design of the easiest and most inconvenient. Photos marvel at the bottom.

Bedroom design 12 sq. m. at the table there is a pidvikonnya. photo project

Design studio ART-UGOL

Also when designing small bedrooms it is possible to vikoristovuvati also architectural design, such as transformation of a building into a style. In the photo there is a bedroom of 12 sq. m. in high-tech style. The skin details of the interior of the showcase have the clarity of geometric shapes. Shilny tapestries, where you can see little parquet boards, linoleum on the floor, stele over the table, rolls - all are viconano in one beige and brown gamma.

The space of the room is victoriously competently and economically. Such a streamer, in the form of a design, will be welcomed by the staff of the installation, the police and the chief. There is plenty of space for the curbstone under the table and large boxes, and it can be removed from the table, so it will not be able to create a small space for the collection of postal speeches, work documents and speeches, as they do not steal in the presence of a large corian area.

Photo of a stylish bedroom

Project vicoristan accessories, typical for high-tech - black-and-white paintings, Panel with a relfnim malunok і pіdlogovy metallevy svіtilnik. M'yaki accents, so vivlyuyuyuyut inter'er vvorenі combіnіtsіy combіnatsії with eco-style - іkh squeeze the green and green barbed on the side of the rack, woke up above the table and the servant with a letter. Probe space on the working room, sleeping area and speaking with steles.

tricks of the trade per screen mode, In the afternoon the room is filled with light, Svitniks and a stand-alone lamp.

Bedroom design 12 square meters, sumy with a balcony

Architect: Evgen Zhdanov

Proponently estimate the design of the bedroom 12 sq. meter with a balcony, vikonany in the current classic style... In the interior, it is possible to support the primacy to symmetry, the maximum logic and simplicity to the spaciousness.

Spookyna kolorova gama, luminaires with muffled light, soft, accepting kilim, spaciousness stylish lіzhko create a calm atmosphere and adjust to relaxation.

Bedroom 12 sq. m. with a balcony. Photo

Textile s fine fabrics paired with postal accessories and stin. During the day, in the room, there is a light of the originator of a great glimpse, in the evening you can choose one of three options - a chandelier, placed in the center of the room, in the middle of the room, for example

Mistka Shafa - a compartment with mirrors on the doors є part of the furniture bedroom set and stylish detail іnter'єru at once. Such a variant of a high-rise and comfortable bedroom with access to the balcony is worthy of a bagat.

Another option for bedrooms 12 sq. m with a balcony 2016

Modern bedroom interior 12 sq. m. in Khrushchevtsi

Architect: Darina Misura

lucky inter'er bedrooms 12 sq. m. can be installed in Khrushchevts. The bedroom was ranked by a mice in the bedroom rating of 2016 rock. A wide range of design options are used to mix and match brown colori... The design is extravagant, even for an hour - ordered, logical and symmetrical. Accessories are not so much the same, ale the stench to be different stylesі set a primitive growth mood, introducing a slight chaoticity into the backward picture of change and practicality. Symmetrical pictures and nichni svitniki are elements of the classics, a couple of birds are in ecology style, the pattern is illustrated in the midst of motives, and the indifferent coolie just wants to get high-tech.

Photo of the bedroom 12 sq. m. in Khrushchevts

It is guaranteed to fit not only your wardrobe, but also the postal bliss, towels, cosmetics and ineffectual speeches in the rich-functional chief with a majestic number of policewomen, pedestals and chuchlyadok. Stilny textiles are present on the walls, mainly illumination - stilts on the stele, installed on the cuts of the stele. Vitonenie with rational spaced out space - practical and more stylish solution for design quiet bedroom in Khrushchevts.

Contemporary bedroom design 12 sq. m. for a young bet. photo project

Architect: Denis Kukushkin

The Viconan's bedroom is calm in blue colors. Elegant furniture, fleecy soft kilim, great monitor of one last modification - attributes of comfort and happiness. There is a spacious two-bedroom lіzhko, beautiful postіlnі accessories, the candle-makers will adjust in a romantic way. Such decoration is a vidminny version of the design one bedroom 12 sq. m. for a young bet.

Stylish metal wall lamps embellish interior and give additional coverage. Stylish shafa compactly set up bridging stini, yogo hand-made pencil cases and shuhlyadki for a great number of speeches. Extravagant chandelier and massive candlesticks bring a touch of oddity to the interior.

At the statistics of the victorian robotics Oleksiya Sukhova To establish a calm atmosphere in the bedroom, it is necessary to vikoristovuvat materials of the real ...

Design and renovation of bedrooms 12 sq. m. the most frequent are the owners of apartments. The price is tied to the same room, in a large number of modern new buildings.

Ale pod_bna area is not surrounded by the possibility of repair and design, as they competently go to them. The small bedrooms are innocently furnished with a lot of furniture. Bazhano, it's not dark.

Particulars of renovation in bedrooms 12 sq. m.

Taking into account the country is quieter, if you get enough illumination and give a change of light in lower tones.

Read the report:

  • Everything is visually larger. Roll up your respect on the background tapestries (div.).
    Also, go to the tapestries with a small, ale infrequent little one. Decorate the windows in a transparent way. Render the chandelier and the bichny of the decorative decoration.
  • Navіt yakshо virіshili zdіsniti repair of the room 12 sq. m. with your own hands, think carefully about all the features. Just start the repair step up to the last minute, don't wonder at those who have a small size in the bedroom.
    Store in the first place. It is important to vrahuvati everything, from the mobility to the re-routing of the accessories.
  • Then it is necessary to visit the black robots. At the same stage, carry out electrical installation robots, check out the lines and pidlog. As soon as it is necessary to replace the vikon, it will be the same for the hour to see the black robots. At the final stage, update the pidlog.
  • On the offensive stage, you can start before ordering the juggernaut... Once you have installed the tensioning stele, repair it from the backing of the stele.
    Pislya tsyogo vstanovlyuyut tensioning stele and update the pidlog. Yaksho vi virishili pofarbuvati stele (div.), All robots fix the very best. School for renovation of bedrooms 12 sq. m. to help you fit in with a shvidshe robot.

It's fun. Intermediate doors and the plintus will be installed at the final stage. Whatever the case, before starting the repair, marvel at ideas for repairing a bedroom of 12 sq. m.

Interior bedrooms 12 sq. m.

In the first place come to respect the functionality of the primacy. Select furniture and items and interior items, as well as planning and development.


  • As the bedroom is victorious only for one people, it can be put in one cot, making room for other pieces of furniture. The handrail is not big because the table is not great size.
    If the bedroom is doubled, it is possible to get a double bedroom.
  • A childish inter'er does not know enough space for a standard wardrobe. You can supply a set of furniture with external elements.
    Call them to move over the Uzbeks, or over the door. Iakshilas empty st_na b_lya lіzhka ,. A selection of furniture allows you to accommodate all the speeches, and the mirrors visually increase the primacy.

It's fun. With the manifestation of nish, they can be made functional. They can have a TV show or simply embellish it with decorative elements and accessories.

Vibir color solution

Є such a thought, that in such an attachment it is possible to vikoristovuvat only light and pictorial images. Marvel at the photo, and you will reconnect, but it's not like that.

In order to visually increase the size of the small area, increase the size of the border, pick up the size of the display. It is important not to pick up on dark materials.

We rotate the vibrator of a spokyny lilovy or greenish vidtinok at once with a light or a lilty furniture. With a choice of large furnishings in the same style, the bedroom will be added to the design.

It's fun. Do not vikoristovuvati in obrobtsі dark vіdtіnki wenge and dark chocolate. Ale їkh can be victorious in the quality of such items in furniture and decorative elements.

Yaki vibrati tapestries for decorating bedrooms 12 sq. m.

options tapestry recommendations
Tapestry with malunky As soon as you see the trellis pass with the malunky, let the trellis pass over to the other vernacular. The Great Vizirunok visually changes the space.
Vibir trellis and height of the stele As long as your bedroom has a stele not visibly, do not spread the wall with trellises horizontally. Tsei priyom visually cut the stele lower. Yaksho stele is high, the price of solution will be vypravdanim. Smolder, you are not going to be too fast.
the receipt of tones The tapestry, in a separate quotation, is kindly admitted to the tapestries of the dark horned color. Trellis of green color is welcome to enjoy with fresh salad dressing.
Get the best coverage When you vibrate the tapestries of light, you can lay the dark pistes. Pidlogs and doors are to blame for the material of the same tone.

Vibiraєmo style inter'єru

With small parameters of the bedroom, there are very few interior solutions.

Ideally you will be able to see:

  • Country style.
  • It is also possible to add an African style.
  • Provence style.
  • For the neoclassical style.

It's fun. It is not a matter of style to vibrate, as it is traditionally victorious to stand in the vastness of high steles... Among such styles you can see English and classic, as well as loft and chalet. Їх it is possible to vikoristovuvati only in private with a choice of decorative elements.

How to place furniture?

Instructions can help you. Zazvychay in the spacious bedrooms install a bedroom set.
Alle in the bedroom of a small size, it can be folded into a two-bedroom bed, a large shafa, a chest of drawers and two pedestals. If you do not install it anymore, do not miss a ride.

For good reason, buy only the necessary furniture items.

More details about the installation:

  • The main furniture in the bedroom is є lizhko. If you are bazhanna, you can buy a replacement sofa. But all the same, it is more beautiful to see the pass.
    It's tied together, so don't be a sofa can be showcased continuously. For an area of ​​12 sq. m. under the model, the width should be 160 or 180 cm.
  • The curbstones are guilty of a small size. It's not a lot of money, buy only one curbstone. In the quality of illumination, you can vibrate the wall sconces.
    The designers have cracked special police officers, which are designated for installation over the Uzbeks. As a result, you may not want to cup the thumbs.
  • You can do without a shafi, as long as you have є dressing room. You will have to finish the chest of drawers for hungry ogyagu.
    Ale, if you have a good day, buy a local shafa. It is more beautiful to show the carriage of a shafi-coupe, so as the doors of the door fill up the additional space for the opening. Shafa can be supplemented with hanging drawers, so that you can do without a great chest of drawers.
  • Nearby, with an area of ​​12 sq. m. more beautifully to rise to the temple of the furniture. So, you can vibrate the shafa up to the stele.
    I want you to come up with a better price, I want you to give me more fun. Besides, you will not get to wipe it down on a new saw. Shchab visually zb_lshity primischennya, buy a shafa with mirror surfaces.

Note. The shafa is short-lived, like a bandage for that, which cannot be put on the other side. Because of the reason for the early development of the future

Additional items for small bedrooms

In small open spaces it is more beautiful to do without a great number of accessories and decorative elements. In the first place, we will re-cover it.

Rendezvous with a single decorative element of great size. Yak such an element can be vikoristovuvati picture or a mirror, standing over the Uzgoliv'yam lizhka.

You can add a pidlog vase, as the area is permissible. Great decorative elements can be replaced by small ones.

Importantly, the stinks of the boules of the viconani in one style. Dobre viglyadayut a sprinkle of small frames or paintings, warehouses for composition.

Smell is traditionally vikonuyutsya in Ediniy kolіrnіy gamі... Їх do not only hang horizontally, but vertically.
The stench can perebuvati on one or two other walls. If you have run out of food for the repair and design of a bedroom with an area of ​​12 sq. m., marvel at the video in the statistics.

12 Sqm Bedroom Design

Source: https://izbushkinet.ru/en/interior-12-sq-m-elements-of-the-interior-of-the-bedroom/

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